Benefits of multivitamins

Benefit of multivitamins

People are taking multivitamin/mineral supplements for a variety of reasons. Indispensable to the body’s metabolism, which cannot synthesize it, a vitamin is an organic molecule, supplied only by food.
On the one hand, we have the liposoluble vitamins (A, E, D), i.e. soluble in fat that our body can store in large quantities, ie the human liver contains around 500,000 IU of vitamin A (retinol )!
On the other hand, vitamins C, B1, B2, B6 are said to be water-soluble. So soluble in water, and the body will metabolize quite quickly.benefits of multivitamins
Usually, a good multi-vitamin formula also includes the minerals that the body needs for essential functions such as oxygen transport, nutrient utilization, muscle contraction/relaxation etc.

Correct nutritional deficiencies

Micronutrient deficiencies can cause health problems like anemia, bone loss, chronic fatigue, and constipation. Multivitamins can be used to fill any nutritional deficiency in your diet and prevent vitamin and mineral deficiencies to optimize your health.

Promote the health of pregnant women

The provision of a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals in your diet is essential to ensure a healthy pregnancy, and each nutrient plays a specific role in the growth and development of the fetus. For example, folate helps the development of the neural tube, calcium promotes bone growth, iodine prevents thyroid problems and iron keeps your blood healthy.

Promotes adequate growth and development

Multivitamins can help provide many of the micronutrients needed to support proper growth and development in children. This is especially important for children who cannot meet their nutritional needs through diet alone.

Helps maintain strong bones

As we age, it decreases bone mineral density, which increases the risk of bone fractures and diseases such as osteoporosis. Some people are at an even higher risk of developing osteoporosis, especially women, the elderly, and those with nutritional deficiencies.

Optimizes brain function

​​The benefits of vitamins go far beyond physical health. Some research shows that a diet rich enough in vitamins can also preserve brain function and improve mental health. A study published by the Center for Human Psychopharmacology at Swinburne University in Australia even found that daily vitamin supplementation could improve memory in older men at risk for cognitive deterioration.

Improves eye health

Recent research suggests that a diet rich in vitamins can help to improve eye health and the treatment of conditions such as macular degeneration, which is an eye disease that causes vision loss and is considered the main cause of blindness in the world. Studies show that consuming vitamins as a supplement to the diet can help slow the progression of age-related macular degeneration. Other studies have found that taking the vitamin can reduce the risk of symptoms of cataracts, another common condition that contributes to vision loss in older people.

May be beneficial for cardiovascular health

It is no secret that what you put on your plate has a major impact on the health of your heart. Certain nutrients can lower cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, and relieve inflammation to keep the heart working optimally. Some studies have found that vitamin consumption may be associated with a lower risk of heart attack and death from heart disease. But the evidence on the effects of multivitamins on cardiovascular health is mixed, with several studies showing that supplementation may not have much of an impact in preventing heart disease.


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