Best vitamin c for kids

Vitamin C is easily absorbed by the body, but it is excreted 2-3 hours after ingestion, so there is no need to worry about overdose. Let’s take it positively. However, if you take many times the required amount with supplements etc. Best vitamin c for kids, also known as ascorbic acid, is an essential compound for the production of collagen, a binding protein for bones and tendons. People have to get vitamin C from their diet because they don’t have the enzymes needed for synthesis and they can’t make vitamin C in their bodies.

Best vitamins c for kids

Vitamin C is one of the water-soluble vitamins that dissolve in water and is a familiar vitamin for beauty. It vitamins c supplements that best for kids.

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Benefit of vitamin C

  • It strengthens the function of white blood cells that attack pathogens such as viruses that have invaded the body, and also has the effect of attacking pathogens and boosting immunity.
  • Therefore, it is an essential nutrient for cold prevention.
  • It is also an essential nutrient for the production of collagen, which is one of the important proteins that make up the body.
  • Collagen strengthens cell binding and keeps skin, bones, and blood vessels strong.
  • The firm binding of collagen creates firmness and luster on the skin. Vitamin C is a typical skin-beautifying vitamin because it also suppresses the production of melanin, which is the source of age spots.
  • Mom also wants to take it positively.
  • In addition, it has various functions such as increasing iron absorption, relieving stress, and lowering cholesterol levels.

Vitamin C for children

Vitamins are one of the vital substances for the normal functioning of the body of every person. The constant receipt of the daily volume of the required set of them is especially important for the developing organism of the baby. Vitamin C for children occupies a leading role among the substances necessary for the full functioning of all body systems and the prevention of diseases.

Regular intake of ascorbic acid provides children with a healthy immune system, thanks to which babies are much less likely to get sick and more easily tolerate epidemics of seasonal respiratory diseases.

With a sufficient amount of vitamin C received, the child:

  • has a high resistance to respiratory diseases;
  • tolerates the postoperative period easier with faster healing of wounds or household burns;
  • has an increased resistance to toxins;
  • active, mobile and less susceptible to stress;

Among the positive properties of children’s vitamin C, it should be noted: the normalization of the intestines, the hematopoietic system, the prevention of cancer. Its sufficient daily volume prevents thrombosis, normalizes blood coagulation and capillary permeability. Clinical research data indicate the leading role of ascorbic acid in the prevention of sudden infant death syndrome.

Foods richest in this substance are considered a traditional source of ascorbic acid, the main of which are rose hips and currants, far ahead of citrus fruits. Contrary to popular belief, lemons, oranges and tangerines are not so rich in vitamin C, moreover, an excess of such fruits often causes allergies. However, foods cannot provide the required daily amount of vitamins for the following reasons:

  • the quality of modern products does not provide a full-fledged composition and a sufficient amount of useful substances of all types;
  • difficult financial situation of young families, forcing them to purchase low-quality food;
  • the digestive system, due to natural physiological processes, “loses” most of the essential substances;
  • improper storage and heat treatment of food products lead to the loss of most of the useful elements contained in them.

This situation forces parents to purchase drugs in pharmacies, often without consulting a pediatrician and with the subsequent accidental excess of the dosage. Also, artificially synthesized substances discredited themselves on the pharmaceutical market, becoming the reasons for the increasing frequency of allergic diseases in children at an early age. And therefore, parents are increasingly paying attention to biologically active supplements containing children’s vitamin C.

Natural supplements containing ascorbic acid have a balanced composition with a sufficient content of it, have a high prophylactic and therapeutic effect. Supplements with vitamin C for children, presented on the site, are original preparations from the leading dietary supplements market leaders, which guarantees their effectiveness and safety for the health of the baby.

vitamin c for kids

Why do children need vitamins?

Vitamins are substances that regulate, normalize, stimulate the growth and development of the child’s body. They provide:

  • harmonious mental, mental, speech development;
  • correct metabolism;
  • complete assimilation of food;
  • coordinated work of organ systems and the most important biological mechanisms;
  • give the energy and strength necessary for games and knowledge of the world.

The value of multivitamins lies in their ability to replace and replenish the missing useful macro- and microelements, which means that they contribute to the normal growth and development of the child. Even though the daily need for vitamins for a child is only thousandths of a gram, full growth, development, yes and life itself without them is simply impossible.

The following signs indicate that the child lacks vitamins:

  • abrasions and wounds heal slowly;
  • bruises appear even from minor bruises;
  • the skin is very pale, and the nails and hair are broken;
  • low appetite;
  • poor sleep at night, drowsiness and lethargy during the day;
  • fatigue, lack of interest in favorite toys and activities;
  • irritability, tearfulness, bad mood;
  • slow growth, poor posture;
  • the skin is dry and prone to irritation, rashes and flaking;
  • lips quickly become chapped, seizures (small ulcers) form in the corners of the mouth;
  • when you brush your teeth, blood appears;
  • stool problems;
  • the child often gets acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.

Children born prematurely, as well as babies who catch a lot of colds, have suffered serious illnesses, injuries and surgeries, or severe emotional upheavals, are rarely outdoors and eat poorly, are acutely deficient in vitamins.

If the child as a whole develops normally, eats well, is cheerful, active, has little illness, then taking multivitamin preparations is not strictly necessary for him. But this does not mean that he is not deficient in certain vitamins. For example, if your family lives in a region where there are very few sunny days, then the child probably has a deficiency of vitamin D, which is synthesized only under the influence of ultraviolet rays.

Ideally, the child should receive most vitamins, minerals and other essential substances with food. But life experience shows that not all children eat well and properly, and this is not about “bad” parents. Many kids are very selective in their food addictions, for example, they eat only pasta and do not tolerate soups, vegetables, and of all fruits they prefer only apples. Every second mother faces the problem of feeding her baby the right food.

Check if your little one is getting everything they need with food. Here’s an example of a complete diet for a week:

  • dishes from fresh or, at least, fresh frozen red meat – beef, pork, lamb, veal – at least twice;
  • poultry dishes – at least three times;
  • dishes from fresh or frozen river and sea fish – at least twice;
  • dairy and fermented milk products – daily;
  • eggs – at least twice;
  • vegetable and butter oils – daily;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables – at least five types daily;
  • food rich in fast and slow carbohydrates – no more than 50% of the total food eaten per day. These are cereals, pasta, pastries, sweets and desserts.

If your child eats something like this, then everything that his body needs is absorbed from food. An acute need for an additional source of vitamins occurs in the following cases:

  • infectious diseases and conditions after them;
  • periods of intense growth;
  • serious mental and physical overload.

In the case when the child’s real diet does not correspond to the above list, parents need to take care of purchasing multivitamin preparations to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Posted in Vitamin C.