Everyone knows from childhood that ascorbic acid is very useful and no less tasty. Cold treatment is not complete without fruit and, especially, lemon, but few people think about the benefits and dangers of vitamin C.
Many are convinced that it is useful to take ascorbic acid for colds: it boosts the immune system and helps to recover quickly. There is also talk of its effectiveness against cancer. Although ascorbic acid was discovered in the last century, not everything is still known about it, and data on its effects on the body are sometimes contradictory.
Everything needs a measure. The human body cannot produce vitamin C on its own, so it must be supplied with food. If someone is at risk of this vitamin deficiency, then it makes sense to take nutritional supplements with the calculation of on average 80 mg of vitamin C daily. For smokers – 1.5 times more.
Better yet, stick to a healthy diet. The following foods are richest in vitamin C: broccoli, kiwi, oranges, strawberries, tomatoes, yellow bell peppers.
What happens if you take too much of this vitamin?
Overall, vitamin C is a fairly safe supplement. It is highly unlikely that eating foods rich in vitamin C can lead to any negative health effects. But taking special supplements or ascorbic acid tablets can cause side effects. It is believed that for this you need to take more than 2 g of the vitamin daily (in pharmacies there are 0.25 g and 1 g of tablet form). The mildest side effects will be gastrointestinal discomfort: diarrhea, nausea, stomach pain, bloating, and another abdominal discomfort.
This is because the body cannot absorb all of the ascorbic acid. And the greater the excess, the more it does not reach the systemic circulation.
By the way, for pregnant and lactating women, the upper threshold dose of vitamin C remains the same.
But it changes for children:
– up to 3 years, the limit is 0.4 g,
– from 4 to 8 years old – 0.65 g,
– from 9 to 13 – 1.2 g,
– from 14 to 18 – 1.8 g …
Functions and useful properties
- Vitamin C is one of the most important in the body and plays a large role in its functioning. It is also involved in the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow and is responsible for hemoglobin in the body. Ascorbic acid maintains good condition of capillaries, gums, teeth, and even helps heal wounds and burns.
- Another great benefit of this vitamin is its important role in the production of antibodies: when the immune system is overwhelmed, vitamin C helps to increase the number of white blood cells that are responsible for immunity. It also works as an interferon conductor. Vitamin C improves iron absorption and calcium absorption in the body, lowers cholesterol levels, protects against heart disease and blood clots, which prevents strokes and heart attacks. The trace mineral reduces the symptoms of arthritis and helps prevent the toxic effects of viruses.
How much vitamin c in an orange and other useful substances
100 grams of ripe and sweet orange pulp contains:
- vitamin C (ascorbic acid) – from 60 to 80 mg,
- vitamins B1 and B2 – about 0.4 mg, as well as B3 and B5 – about 3 mg, B6 and B9 – 0.5-0.6 mg each,
- E – 0.2 mg,
- A – 0.5 mg.
Of the minerals, most of all potassium – about 190 mg, followed by calcium – 35 mg, sodium with magnesium – 13-14 mg each. Other important minerals present in orange are iron and copper with zinc.
What are the benefits of oranges?
It is not for nothing that doctors advise eating more oranges and drinking tea with lemon in the cold season, when it is easy to get sick.
The body needs 95-100 mg of vitamin C per day. If a person is engaged in physical labor or sports, then this need doubles.
Vitamin C is an important element for strengthening the immune system and enhancing the body’s defenses. By eating only 150 to 200 grams of orange, you can fully meet the need for ascorbic acid (vitamin C).
By including oranges in your diet regularly, your body can fight off harmful microorganisms.
Modern research has shown that the properties of oranges are much broader:
- they have a positive effect on the nervous system,
- help to avoid the development of vitamin deficiency,
- strengthens blood vessels, large and small, make them elastic,
- improve blood circulation and prevent blood clots,
- normalizes bowel function,
- reduce the feeling of hunger, and the nutritional value of the fruits will help those who want to lose weight,
- improve mood, increase the general tone of the body,
- slows down cell aging and prolongs youth.
Oranges are also good because you can not just cut and eat them or squeeze out the juice. They are used in the preparation of confectionery, added to salads, and make a delicious sauce for meat dishes.
So don’t be dismissive of them. It is necessary to eat not only tasty, but also with benefit. Oranges will be an important part of this.
And I hope you were interested. I wish all my readers vigor, good mood and good health)