Emergen-C, Vitamin C

Emergen-C, Vitamin C 1000mg Pwdr Sup Orange

Emergen-C, Vitamin C 1000mg


  • It’s an explosion of sunny citrus pleasure, no wonder we call it “Super”. With each sip, you will feel the 24 nutrients flow into your body in a surge of revitalizing Vitamin C. If you want to feel good, you have made the right choice.
  • 24 nutrients.
  • 7 B vitamins
  • Electrolytes
    The product is great for post-workout use as it replaces key electrolytes lost through sweat.
  • Antioxidants
  • Food supplement
  • Delicious carbonated drink
  • Feel the beneficial action
  • Each serving provides daily immune support with more Vitamin C than 10 oranges.
    1000 mg of vitamin C, along with other antioxidants, zinc, and manganese, support the immune system.
  • it’s refreshing and caffeine-free
  • Emergen-C Original Formula is also available in gummy and chewable forms.
  • Natural products are good for you.
  • Health 1000 mg of Vitamin C, Zinc, Quercetin & Antioxidants Supports Your Immune System
  • Energy 7 B vitamins including B1, B2, B3, B6, and B12 energize naturally – no caffeine, no side effects
  • Electrolytes Great for replenishing electrolytes lost during exercise
  • Not a drug
  • It is a super nutritious citrus complex that tastes great. With every sip, you will feel how the essential nutrients Emergen-C rejuvenates your body. If you want to feel good, then this product is exactly what you need.

Recommendations for use

For ages 14+, take one sachet daily. Pour the contents into a glass, add 4-6 ounces of water, and stir. Add more water for a lighter taste. Do not exceed the recommended dosage. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking medication, you should consult your doctor before using this medicine.


Keep out of the reach of children.

NOW Foods Supplements Vitamin C

NOW Foods Supplements, Vitamin C-1,000 reviews

NOW Foods Supplements, Vitamin C-1,000

  • Vitamin C supplements from Rose Hips, Sustained Release, and Antioxidant Protection
  • Vitamin C-1000 is a great supplement you can take on its own to boost your health and immune system. It provides many powerful benefits such as supporting the immune system. Vitamin C is also a known powerful antioxidant, and we all know that antioxidants provide protective health benefits. It helps fight disease-causing and age-accelerating free radicals that damage cellular levels.
  • Vitamin C1000 from Now Foods also contains rose hips and a citrus bioflavonoid complex, which is high in plant-based vitamin C.
  • Vitamin C is a water-soluble nutrient that plays a vital role in the functioning of the immune system. Vitamin C is essential for the production of collagen (a structural protein in connective tissue) and is therefore important for healthy skin, bones and joints. Vitamin C is required for the metabolism of amino acids, the synthesis of neurotransmitters, and the absorption of many nutrients such as folic acid and iron. Also, it is a highly effective antioxidant that can support the health of body tissues by neutralizing free radicals generated during normal metabolism and exposure to stressful environmental factors. This unique blend includes rosehip seeds and bioflavonoids, which together with vitamin C enhance and complement each other’s actions.

Benefit of Vitamin C

  • Antioxidant
  • Contains rose hips
  • Vegetarian formula
  • Sustained Release
  • Antioxidant Protection
  • Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and prevents infections and inflammation. In high doses, it relieves symptoms of colds and flu and speeds up recovery.
  • Vitamin C neutralizes free radicals, toxic metals, and carcinogenic compounds, thus preventing the formation and development of cancerous tumors.
  • Vitamin C reduces the harm caused to the body by smoking and is a supplement that smokers need.
  • Vitamin C is essential for collagen synthesis, regulates connective tissue formation, promotes healing of wounds and pressure sores, and maintains healthy skin. Prevents the development of cataracts and inflammation of the gums, reduces the level of histamine in cells, thus relieving allergy attacks.
  • Vitamin C is essential for the synthesis of neurotransmitters and hormonal balance. It lowers cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of heart disease.
  • Vitamin C increases the absorption of iron, is necessary for the activation of folic acid and the synthesis of carnitine, which is responsible for the process of converting fats into energy.

Vitamin C Supports

Iron Absorption Iron is what gives our blood its red color. And not only in color, iron is the reason why our blood can transport oxygen from the lungs and into every cell in the body. This is why, if you are iron deficient, you are more likely to feel tired and low in energy. Iron supplementation is not enough, especially if your iron sources come from plant foods, you will need the help of vitamin C to convert this iron from plants into something that the body can absorb.

Can I pour powder into real vitamin C capsules in liquid instead of swallowing the capsule?

Many people are unwilling or unable to swallow capsules, tablets, or soft gels for various reasons. The encapsulated vitamin C products can now be opened and discharged into a liquid for consumption. If you choose this method, juice or water is recommended. However, taking vitamin C with water on an empty stomach is the recommended method of swallowing. NOW does not recommend trying this method with vitamin C tablets, although you can crush or break a powder tablet and add it to water or juice. If you choose to do this, use a mortar and pestle for the best results and minimum product loss. A problem often arises when NOW transfers vitamin C into powder form. Save yourself time and trouble by ordering this form instead.

You can buy vitamin C to take care of your health. We have a very popular vitamin C supplements that are bought by many people from many brands.


Best vitamin c for kids

Vitamin C is easily absorbed by the body, but it is excreted 2-3 hours after ingestion, so there is no need to worry about overdose. Let’s take it positively. However, if you take many times the required amount with supplements etc. Best vitamin c for kids, also known as ascorbic acid, is an essential compound for the production of collagen, a binding protein for bones and tendons. People have to get vitamin C from their diet because they don’t have the enzymes needed for synthesis and they can’t make vitamin C in their bodies.

Best vitamins c for kids

Vitamin C is one of the water-soluble vitamins that dissolve in water and is a familiar vitamin for beauty. It vitamins c supplements that best for kids.

Vitamin c kids chewables

Kids vitamin c gummies

Kids vitamin c sugar free

Vitamin c kids liquid

Vitamin c kids kosher

Benefit of vitamin C

  • It strengthens the function of white blood cells that attack pathogens such as viruses that have invaded the body, and also has the effect of attacking pathogens and boosting immunity.
  • Therefore, it is an essential nutrient for cold prevention.
  • It is also an essential nutrient for the production of collagen, which is one of the important proteins that make up the body.
  • Collagen strengthens cell binding and keeps skin, bones, and blood vessels strong.
  • The firm binding of collagen creates firmness and luster on the skin. Vitamin C is a typical skin-beautifying vitamin because it also suppresses the production of melanin, which is the source of age spots.
  • Mom also wants to take it positively.
  • In addition, it has various functions such as increasing iron absorption, relieving stress, and lowering cholesterol levels.

Vitamin C for children

Vitamins are one of the vital substances for the normal functioning of the body of every person. The constant receipt of the daily volume of the required set of them is especially important for the developing organism of the baby. Vitamin C for children occupies a leading role among the substances necessary for the full functioning of all body systems and the prevention of diseases.

Regular intake of ascorbic acid provides children with a healthy immune system, thanks to which babies are much less likely to get sick and more easily tolerate epidemics of seasonal respiratory diseases.

With a sufficient amount of vitamin C received, the child:

  • has a high resistance to respiratory diseases;
  • tolerates the postoperative period easier with faster healing of wounds or household burns;
  • has an increased resistance to toxins;
  • active, mobile and less susceptible to stress;

Among the positive properties of children’s vitamin C, it should be noted: the normalization of the intestines, the hematopoietic system, the prevention of cancer. Its sufficient daily volume prevents thrombosis, normalizes blood coagulation and capillary permeability. Clinical research data indicate the leading role of ascorbic acid in the prevention of sudden infant death syndrome.

Foods richest in this substance are considered a traditional source of ascorbic acid, the main of which are rose hips and currants, far ahead of citrus fruits. Contrary to popular belief, lemons, oranges and tangerines are not so rich in vitamin C, moreover, an excess of such fruits often causes allergies. However, foods cannot provide the required daily amount of vitamins for the following reasons:

  • the quality of modern products does not provide a full-fledged composition and a sufficient amount of useful substances of all types;
  • difficult financial situation of young families, forcing them to purchase low-quality food;
  • the digestive system, due to natural physiological processes, “loses” most of the essential substances;
  • improper storage and heat treatment of food products lead to the loss of most of the useful elements contained in them.

This situation forces parents to purchase drugs in pharmacies, often without consulting a pediatrician and with the subsequent accidental excess of the dosage. Also, artificially synthesized substances discredited themselves on the pharmaceutical market, becoming the reasons for the increasing frequency of allergic diseases in children at an early age. And therefore, parents are increasingly paying attention to biologically active supplements containing children’s vitamin C.

Natural supplements containing ascorbic acid have a balanced composition with a sufficient content of it, have a high prophylactic and therapeutic effect. Supplements with vitamin C for children, presented on the site, are original preparations from the leading dietary supplements market leaders, which guarantees their effectiveness and safety for the health of the baby.

vitamin c for kids

Why do children need vitamins?

Vitamins are substances that regulate, normalize, stimulate the growth and development of the child’s body. They provide:

  • harmonious mental, mental, speech development;
  • correct metabolism;
  • complete assimilation of food;
  • coordinated work of organ systems and the most important biological mechanisms;
  • give the energy and strength necessary for games and knowledge of the world.

The value of multivitamins lies in their ability to replace and replenish the missing useful macro- and microelements, which means that they contribute to the normal growth and development of the child. Even though the daily need for vitamins for a child is only thousandths of a gram, full growth, development, yes and life itself without them is simply impossible.

The following signs indicate that the child lacks vitamins:

  • abrasions and wounds heal slowly;
  • bruises appear even from minor bruises;
  • the skin is very pale, and the nails and hair are broken;
  • low appetite;
  • poor sleep at night, drowsiness and lethargy during the day;
  • fatigue, lack of interest in favorite toys and activities;
  • irritability, tearfulness, bad mood;
  • slow growth, poor posture;
  • the skin is dry and prone to irritation, rashes and flaking;
  • lips quickly become chapped, seizures (small ulcers) form in the corners of the mouth;
  • when you brush your teeth, blood appears;
  • stool problems;
  • the child often gets acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.

Children born prematurely, as well as babies who catch a lot of colds, have suffered serious illnesses, injuries and surgeries, or severe emotional upheavals, are rarely outdoors and eat poorly, are acutely deficient in vitamins.

If the child as a whole develops normally, eats well, is cheerful, active, has little illness, then taking multivitamin preparations is not strictly necessary for him. But this does not mean that he is not deficient in certain vitamins. For example, if your family lives in a region where there are very few sunny days, then the child probably has a deficiency of vitamin D, which is synthesized only under the influence of ultraviolet rays.

Ideally, the child should receive most vitamins, minerals and other essential substances with food. But life experience shows that not all children eat well and properly, and this is not about “bad” parents. Many kids are very selective in their food addictions, for example, they eat only pasta and do not tolerate soups, vegetables, and of all fruits they prefer only apples. Every second mother faces the problem of feeding her baby the right food.

Check if your little one is getting everything they need with food. Here’s an example of a complete diet for a week:

  • dishes from fresh or, at least, fresh frozen red meat – beef, pork, lamb, veal – at least twice;
  • poultry dishes – at least three times;
  • dishes from fresh or frozen river and sea fish – at least twice;
  • dairy and fermented milk products – daily;
  • eggs – at least twice;
  • vegetable and butter oils – daily;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables – at least five types daily;
  • food rich in fast and slow carbohydrates – no more than 50% of the total food eaten per day. These are cereals, pasta, pastries, sweets and desserts.

If your child eats something like this, then everything that his body needs is absorbed from food. An acute need for an additional source of vitamins occurs in the following cases:

  • infectious diseases and conditions after them;
  • periods of intense growth;
  • serious mental and physical overload.

In the case when the child’s real diet does not correspond to the above list, parents need to take care of purchasing multivitamin preparations to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Best brand of vitamins c

The taste of ascorbic acid is familiar to many from childhood. Vitamin C is very important for the health of the body – it has antioxidant properties, helps to strengthen the immune system, participates in improving the functioning of the circulatory and nervous systems, collagen production, and also helps the absorption of many microelements.
Unfortunately, one of the most popular elements is not produced by the body on its own, coming from outside with food, vitamin complexes, and supplements. The preparations created in laboratory conditions contain the most balanced composition, in which each component enhances the action of each other, allows for faster absorption. Special supplements are an effective prophylactic agent that allows you to be in good shape at any time of the year. In our rating, the best brand of vitamins C preparations are presented, which have received positive reviews from customers.

Top Best Brand of Vitamins C Supplements

Now, let me introduce the popular brand vitamin C supplements in a ranking format. A wide range of products such as powder type and gummy type are ranked in, so let’s choose the best supplement for you.

NOW Foods Supplements, Vitamin C-1,000

NOW Foods Supplements, Vitamin C-1,000

  • The Now foods supplement is designed primarily for the antioxidant effect and strengthening the immune system. The capsules are in a convenient plastic jar that you can put in your bag, luggage and take with you on the road. Just 1 tablet is enough to saturate the body with vitamin C.
  • In addition, it contains a citrus bioflavonoid complex and rutin in powder form. Bioflavonoids contribute to the accelerated absorption of other components. The drug has an excellent effect on the formation of collagen, is involved in metabolism. Each component is presented in a saturated concentration, therefore, it covers the daily need for nutrients.

Emergen-C, Vitamin C 1000mg

Emergen-C, Vitamin C 1000mg

  • Energen-C offers you a fun way to get in a dose of Vitamin C! These fun little drink fizzes are just the thing for you. They dissolve into a glass of water and give you 1,000 mg of Vitamin C and a dose of Zinc and other needed antioxidants.

Natural Bounty Vitamin C-500

Natural Bounty Vitamin C-500

  • Nature’s Bounty Vitamin C-500 is a popular brand Vitamin C pill that you’ve likely seen at your local grocery store.
  • What’s in it:
    One serving (1 tablet) contains
    500 mg vitamin C (as ascorbic acid)
  • Who makes it: Nature’s Bounty combines the latest nutritional advancements with the finest ingredients to help create the most advanced natural nutritional supplements. There are several brands in the company and Bounty Nature’s is the main nature. Their other brands include Optimal Solutions, Earth Elements, and Nature Prize Awards.

Dr. Mercola Liposomal Vitamin C

Dr. Mercola Liposomal Vitamin C

  • Dr. Mercola Liposomal Vitamin C is a vitamin C product that uses a liposomal delivery system to improve absorption. If you are looking for a potent vitamin C supplement, this product may be for you.
  • Features: Liposomal delivery system

Vitamin C Viva Naturals

Vitamin C Viva Naturals

  • Viva Naturals Vitamin C is a vitamin C tablet fortified with a blend of rose hips and citrus bioflavonoids.
  • Features: Fortified with bioflavonoids and thorns
  • One serving (1 vegetarian capsule) contains 1000 mg vitamin C.
  • Proprietary blend of L-ascorbic acid, citrus bioflavonoids, rosehip [Rosa canina, fruit])

Garden of Life Vitamin Code Raw Vitamin C

 Garden of Life Vitamin Code Raw Vitamin C

Garden of Life Vitamin Code Raw Vitamin C is a versatile vitamin C supplement. Fortified with a blend of organic fruits and vegetables and beneficial probiotics. The raw fruit and vegetable blend contains many antioxidant bioflavonoids. It is gluten-free, vegan and non-GMO.


  • Fortified with bioflavonoids
  • Includes a blend of organic fruits and vegetables
  • Includes Organic Probiotic & Enzyme Blend
  • Non-GMO, gluten-free and vegan

Nutricost Vitamin C with Rose Hips

 Nutricost Vitamin C with Rose Hips

  • Premium Vitamin C with Rose Hips Supplement
  • 240 Capsules of Vitamin C + Rose Hips In Each Bottle
  • Just one 1025mg Capsule Per Serving (1,000mg Vitamin C, 25mg Rose Hips)
  • Non-GMO, Gluten-Free, 3rd Party Tested. Lid May Be Blue, White, or Black
  • Made in a GMP Compliant, FDA Registered Facility

How to choose Vitamin C supplement

How to choose Vitamin C supplement by Shape

  • Vitamin C supplements are mainly divided into capsule type, tablet type and powder type.
    The capsule-type contains vitamin C powder in the capsule, so it is difficult to feel the acidity. Like the capsule type, the tablet type coated with sugar is less likely to feel sour. The tablet type includes chewable tablets that can be taken without using water, and is suitable when you want to take it in a place without water or when you want to enjoy the taste.
    The powder type is easy to dissolve in water and easy to swallow. It can be mixed with drinks and dishes, so it is easy to take.

How to choose Vitamin C supplement by other nutritional components

  • Vitamin C supplements may also contain ingredients other than vitamin C. Checking what ingredients are included when purchasing will help prevent overdose along with your normal diet.

Types of Vitamin C Supplements and How to Take

  • Vitamin C is an important nutrient for stressful modern people. Not only is it difficult to take from daily meals, but water-soluble vitamin C, which is easily dissolved in water, is excreted from the body even if it is taken too much.
  • Therefore, it is important to take vitamin C diligently. The best way to get vitamin C into your body efficiently is to use over-the-counter supplements.
  • There are many types of vitamin C supplements, including natural and synthetic ones, capsules and tablets, so you may be wondering which one to choose.

Are there any side effects of vitamin C supplements?

  • Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, so even if it is taken in excess, it will be excreted as urine. So basically there is no risk of side effects. However, vitamin C has a softening effect on stools, so it seems that some people may have diarrhea or abdominal pain if taken in large amounts at one time.
  • In rare cases, side effects related to kidney function such as urethral stones and kidney stones may occur. If you use vitamin C supplements for the long term, you should check regularly for abnormal kidney function.
  • The recommended daily intake set by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare is 100 mg, but this is the minimum amount necessary to prevent scurvy due to vitamin C deficiency, so the required amount will vary depending on the individual and purpose. Generally, the daily intake required to maintain health is 800 mg, and it is said that the beauty effect can be expected to be 2000 mg.
  • However, if you take a large amount at one time, diarrhea may occur, so if you have any abnormalities, reduce your intake.

Benefit of vitamin C about beautiful skin, collagen and vitamin C

  • Collagen for beautiful skin. Collagen is an important protein that makes up one-third of the protein in the body. By connecting cells, they are active in bones, skin, blood vessels, teeth, and so on. This collagen is made by acting vitamin C and iron on proteins (amino acids).
  • When collagen is not produced due to a lack of material, cells tend to separate from each other. For example, if a gap is created in a blood vessel, blood will ooze out. Also, half of the bone is collagen, so it is easy to break. If this continues for a long time, blood will bleed from all over the body, the bones will become brittle, and the internal organs will be destroyed. This is scurvy.
  • Keeping enough vitamin C, protein and iron is the first step towards beautiful bare skin and strong bones.


  • Vitamin C supplement that is nutritious and good for beauty.
  • Most vitamin C supplements are excreted with urine even if you drink them. However, this product boasts a high internal utilization rate because it traps nutrients in ultra-fine spherical capsules made of phospholipids.
  • It is an excellent supplement that you want to take regularly, which is useful for daily nutrition and beauty. It has a quirky taste, so it is often mixed with carbonated water or other drinks.

Best vitamins C

If you are worried about beauty and health. Best vitamins C supplements are recommended in such cases. Vitamin C is an important nutrient that is abundant in vegetables and fruits. If your diet tends to be disturbed, or if you are prone to losing vitamin C due to stress or smoking, you want to take it from supplements as well.

The 10 Best brand of vitamins C Supplements

Ranking of the best vitamins and minerals supplement for health. Now, let me introduce the popular vitamin C supplements in a ranking format. A wide range of products such as powder type and gummy type are ranked in, so let’s choose the best supplement for you.

1. DACHA Liposomal Vitamin C

DACHA Liposomal Vitamin C

DACHA Liposomal Vitamin C breaks away from the regular vitamin c with a poor absorption rate. We combined together Ascorbyl Palmitate, Ascorbyl Oleate, Cetyl Ascorbate, Sunflower Lecithin, and Phosphatidylcholine to create a liposomal environment upon entering the digestive tract and for liposomes to form. Liposomes are extremely small fatty particles that help carry nutrients into the bloodstream and into our body’s cells.

2. Emergen-C Vitamin C

Emergen-C Vitamin C

  • Emergen-C Vitamin C includes 60 single-serving packets (0.32 oz. each) of Emergen-C Original Formula in Super Orange flavor
  • Each serving provides daily immune support* with more Vitamin C than 10 oranges(1)
  • Also contains B Vitamins, Electrolytes, and other Antioxidants like Zinc and Manganese
  • Flavored vitamin mix is made with natural fruit flavors for a delicious Super Orange taste
  • Vitamin C drink mix is a powder that dissolves quickly in water; it’s refreshing and caffeine-free

3. NutriFlair Liposomal Vitamin C

NutriFlair Liposomal Vitamin C

  • INCREDIBLE HEALTH BENEFITS: Liposomal Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) contains powerful antioxidant properties and helps protect against free radical damage; It helps with immune system support, and help joints and arteries heal and function properly; Liposomal C also Supports healthy brain function, cognition, cardiovascular, adrenal, and heart health, blood circulation, mood, bone density, helps decrease muscle soreness, and helps increase absorption of calcium & iron

4. NOW Supplements, Vitamin C

NOW Supplements, Vitamin C

  • Ingredients of NOW Supplements: Cellulose (capsule), Stearic Acid (vegetable source), Magnesium Stearate (vegetable source) and Silica
  • Not manufactured with wheat, gluten, soy, milk, egg, fish, shellfish or tree nut ingredients. Produced in a GMP facility that processes other ingredients containing these allergens.
  • Caution: For adults only. Consult physician if pregnant/nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition. Keep out of reach of children.
  • Serving Size: 1 Veg Capsule; Servings Per Container: 100

5. Nutricost Vitamin C

Nutricost Vitamin C

  • Premium Vitamin C with Rose Hips Supplement
  • 240 Capsules of Vitamin C + Rose Hips In Each Bottle
  • Just one 1025mg Capsule Per Serving (1,000mg Vitamin C, 25mg Rose Hips)
  • Non-GMO, Gluten-Free, 3rd Party Tested. Lid May Be Blue, White, or Black
  • Made in a GMP Compliant, FDA Registered Facility

6. Pure Synergy Pure Radiance C

Pure Synergy Pure Radiance C

  • 100% natural vitamin C from organic berries including Camu, acerola & amla
  • Contains only natural vitamin C, NO added synthetic ascorbic acid
  • Helps bolster your healthy immune system; provides protective antioxidant activity; offers extra support during cold, flu, and allergy season
  • Enhances well-being with 100% berry-sourced vitamin C and flavonoids
  • Made with Organic Ingredients; Non-GMO, Vegan, Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Corn-Free

7. Ester-C Vitamin C

Ester-C Vitamin C

  • If you are pregnant, nursing or taking any medications, consult your doctor before use. Discontinue use and consult your doctor if any adverse reactions occur.
  • This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease
  • For adults, take one(1) 500 mg tablet two times daily, preferably with a meal. As a reminder, discuss the supplements and medications you take with your health care providers.

8. Nature’s Bounty Vitamin C

Nature’s Bounty Vitamin C

  • Immune support: 250-count, 500mg Vitamin C Tablets for immune support. Vitamin C is one of the leading nutritional vitamins for immune support. People reach for Vitamin C by Nature’s Bounty to help them maintain a healthy immune system all year long.
  • Nourishes the immune system: Nature’s Bounty Vitamin C Tablets play an important role in the functioning of white blood cells, which are vital components of the immune system.
  • Potent antioxidant: Nature’s Bounty Vitamin C Tablets also support antioxidant health. Vitamin C is one of the best antioxidants for fighting free radicals. Free radicals can cause oxidative stress that may lead to premature aging of the cells.
  • Purity is our priority: Nature’s Bounty is committed to safety and purity in all our supplements. Our Vitamin C Tablets are non-GMO, gluten- and sugar-free, and contain no artificial colors, or sweeteners.
  • From the trusted wellness experts: Nature’s Bounty Vitamin C supplements are a product of 50 years of dedication to quality, consistency, and scientific research to make vitamins and nutritional supplements of unrivaled excellence.

9. Viva Naturals Vitamin C

Viva Naturals Vitamin C

  • NON GMO VITAMIN C 1000 & VEGGIE-FRIENDLY – Our vitamin C capsules are non GMO and vegetarian friendly, making them an easy addition to any wellness practice or dietary lifestyle.

10. Airborne Vitamin C

Airborne Vitamin C

  • Easy-to-take chewable tablets in tasty Citrus Flavor. No water needed.
  • 1,000 mg of Vitamin C per serving to support your immune system
  • High in antioxidants (Vitamins A, C & E) and excellent source of Zinc, Selenium, Manganese, and Magnesium
  • Proprietary Herbal Blend including Echinacea & Ginger
  • Gluten-Free

How to choose a vitamin C supplement

Vitamin C is a nutrient that everyone knows, but what should we look for in order to choose a better supplement? We have summarized them into three major categories, so please check them out.

Choose a type that is easy to continue drinking

Vitamin C supplements can be divided into three main types: “tablet/capsule type”, “powder type”, and “gummy chewable type”. Let’s take a look at each of the characteristics of ease of drinking and continuation.

If you choose with an emphasis on cost performance, the powder type is

  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) powder is very large in quantity and cheap, so it is recommended for those who want to share and drink with their families.
  • Vitamin C also has the effect of removing chlorine, so it can also be used to neutralize chlorine in drinking water and bathwater. In addition, most of them do not contain packaging materials or additives, so it is recommended for those who want to take pure vitamin C.

If you want to keep it delicious, gummy chewable type

  • If you want to enjoy it as a snack, we recommend soft gummy candies and chewable types. Although the price is a little higher than the powder type, it is recommended for those who are not good at taking supplements, those who want to take it as sweets, and children because it can get enough vitamin C required for one day. Lemon and acerola flavored supplements are also available, so if you like sour flavors, this is a must.

If you’re worried about your dietary balance, check out other nutritional ingredients

  • If you are concerned about your dietary balance, check that it contains nutrients other than vitamin C. In particular, it seems that B vitamins, which are indispensable for energy metabolism, recovery from fatigue, and normal skin and mucous membranes, are often included together. It is important to improve your eating habits, but I definitely want to choose what you can supplement with supplements.

Vitamin C supplement that is nutritious and good for beauty

  • Most vitamin C supplements are basically excreted with urine even if you drink them. However, this product boasts a high internal utilization rate because it traps nutrients in ultra-fine spherical capsules made of phospholipids.

How much vitamin C per day can you actually take in your daily life?

  • It is said that an adult woman needs about 75 mg of vitamin C per day. It cannot be produced by the body, so it can only be taken from foods and supplements. Vitamin C is abundant in vegetables and fruits, especially citrus fruits, broccoli, peppers, and kiwifruit. Half a red bell pepper (about 60g) is 102mg, a quarter broccoli (about 60g) is 72mg, and a quarter pack of strawberries (about 90g) is 56mg. If you try to eat about one cup of raw vegetables and fruits in a small bowl, it seems that you can get the necessary vitamin C. By the way, the amount of vitamin C contained in the juice of one lemon is about 20 mg, which is a surprisingly modest content. Just because it’s sour doesn’t mean it’s abundant.
  • However, even elderly people cannot be alert. It is said that older people need more vitamin C than younger generations to keep their blood levels saturated. Smokers and stressful people are also said to need more vitamin C. After all, regardless of age, I would like to take a little more vitamin C.
  • It is said that the blood concentration is saturated at 400 mg a day, but in order to keep the blood concentration saturated, it is said that it is OK to take about “100 mg a day” as a guide as I told you so far. As for vitamins, it is good to be “always saturated with the body”, that is, “100 mg a day” indicated by the dietary intake standard should be taken every day.
  • In addition, if you are a healthy person, even if you take too much, the excess is only excreted in the urine, so there are no reports of major health problems so far (If you have a burden on your kidneys, please consult with your doctor. Please consult and use).
  • Vegetables and fruits contain a lot of vitamin C, and many supplements and vegetable juices also contain vitamin C. With a normal diet, it doesn’t seem difficult to get the required amount.
  • However, Vitamin C is a delicate ingredient that is not only easily soluble in water, but also decomposed by cooking. Even if you intend to eat a lot of vegetables with hot vegetables or stir-fried foods, you can think of a pattern in which the intake was unexpectedly low. There is also data that vitamin C taken from vegetable juices and supplements is excreted faster than vitamin C taken from raw vegetables and fruits. If you want to take vitamin C, it’s more efficient to eat vegetables and fruits!

oranges fruits vitamin c


Vitamin C is good for both beauty and health. I definitely want to take it positively. It is an excellent supplement that you want to take regularly, which is useful for daily nutrition and beauty. It has a quirky taste, so it is often mixed with carbonated water or other drinks. We pick up a wide range of products from various manufacturers. Find the right vitamin C supplement for you and aim for a healthy life.
There were various types of vitamin C such as tablets, powders, and gummies. It is basic to take nutrition in your daily diet, but it is a supplement because it supplements it. Please check the ingredients and ease of drinking to find a vitamin C supplement that suits you.