Vitamin D3 5,000 IU Dr. Approved Vitamin D Supplement

If your doctor has advised you to take a vitamin D supplement, the task of choosing the right one for you can take hours or days of research. We have decided to simplify this search for you by choosing the best vitamin D supplement is Vitamin D3 5,000 IU – Dr. Approved Vitamin D Supplement for Immune Support.

Feature of Vitamin D Supplement


Who is affected by vitamin D deficiency?

Vitamin D deficiency affects a large part of the world population. The most modest studies estimate a shortage of 30%. Other experts say that up to 80% of people have a lack of calcitriol. A sedentary lifestyle and less exposure to sunlight are the main culprits.

The groups that have a higher risk of suffering from a vitamin D deficiency are the following:

Adults over 55: As we age, the skin reduces its ability to synthesize cholecalciferol.
Office workers and students: They spend most of their time indoors and don’t get much exposure to sunlight.
Dark-skinned people: The increased amount of melanin in the skin hinders the creation of vitamin D.
Vegans and Vegetarians: Ergosterol is more difficult to absorb and use than animal-derived vitamin D.
People who often use sunscreen: This product blocks UVB rays and prevents the formation of vitamin D.
People with chronic intestinal diseases: They have difficulty assimilating vitamin D in the digestive tract.

Benefits of Vitamin D?

A balanced supply of vitamin D is essential in various pathologies:

    • bone problems, such as fragility and osteoporosis
    • pain in the pelvis and legs
    • muscle spasms
    • performs an antitumor action
    • stimulates the immune system
    • benefits the brain and nervous system
    • supports lung function and cardiovascular activity

In addition to regulating the level of calcium, vitamin D also helps to regulate that of phosphorus and the absorption of vitamin A. It is useful against rickets, a childhood disease with serious consequences on growth.

What Vitamin D Supplements?

In the event that the diet and exposure to the sun are not sufficient, it is necessary to take the supplements, first having a diagnosis made by the specialist doctor who must assess the actual need.

Vitamin D supplements that are on the market mainly provide a supply of vitamin D3. In fact, studies identify vitamin D3 as the most bioavailable and immediately effective form of vitamin D to ensure the right concentrations of this nutrient in the blood.

To become biologically active, vitamin D must undergo double hydroxylation, first in the liver and then in the kidney. Once activated, it therefore behaves like a real hormone, acting above all in the intestine to enhance the active absorption of dietary calcium.

It therefore contributes to the stability of the calcium level and to its adequate bone mineralization.

Vegan or vegetarian nutrition

If you have decided to follow a strict vegetarian diet, pay special attention to your vitamin D supplement. Vitamin D3 comes from animal sources such as oily fish oil and is not suitable for vegans. D2 or ergocalciferol supplements are the only ones of 100% plant origin.

There are manufacturers who advertise their supplements as “vegan vitamin D3”. For example, one company consulted claims to have obtained cholecalciferol from a lichen. It is difficult to guarantee the veracity of these promises, so if you want to be sure that you are consuming a 100% vegan product, we recommend using ergocalciferol.

Doctor’s Best Vitamin D3 5000 IU

Speaking of vitamin D, first of all, they remember infants and rickets – a condition when the supply of calcium to the bones is disturbed due to a lack of the “solar” vitamin. But according to modern data, vitamin D controls many processes besides mineral metabolism. It affects brain development and muscle growth, regulates immune responses, insulin production in the pancreas, normalizes cell growth and division, preventing the development of malignant neoplasms. But this does not mean that everyone urgently needs to take vitamin D supplements.  If you are looking for vitamin d, I recommend Doctor’s Best Vitamin D3 5000 IU that good for health. Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is critical for many bodily functions. Vitamin D3 is beneficial for bone health, immune health, cardiovascular health, and cellular metabolism, among others. Emerging research notes more and more beneficial effects with an optimal dosage of vitamin D3.

Description of Doctor’s Best Vitamin D3 5000IU

  • prevents the development of rickets and osteoporosis
  • increases bone strength
  • improves brain function
  • prevents the development of cancer
  • can be used by allergy sufferers

Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is critical for many bodily functions. Vitamin D3 is beneficial for bone health, immune health, cardiovascular health, and cellular metabolism, among others. Emerging research notes more and more beneficial effects of vitamin D3 with an optimal dosage of vitamin D3. It is known that this vitamin interacts with more than 200 different genes, due to which it plays an important regulatory role as a metabolic activator of many processes.

Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) is synthesized under the action of ultraviolet rays in the skin and enters the human body with food. The main function of vitamin D3 is to ensure the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from food in the small intestine.

Vitamins of group D are an irreplaceable part of the human diet.
It has been proven to be effective in the prevention of breast, colon, and prostate cancer, obesity, heart disease, and depression. Also, regular intake of vitamin D3 can reduce the risk of developing respiratory infections.

Manufactured by Science-Based Nutrition, Vitamin D3, also known as cholecalciferol, is considered one of the essential nutrients that, when lacking, can disrupt many-body systems. The presence of a sufficient amount of vitamin D3 helps to strengthen bones, improve the functioning of the immune system, improve cell metabolism, as well as normalize the work of the cardiovascular system.
According to scientists, vitamin D3 is used in more than 200 processes of the human body as a metabolic activator, which is why it is considered one of the most important components necessary to normalize several metabolic processes.

The drug is recommended to be taken as prescribed by the attending physician or as a preventive measure, one capsule 1 time per day with meals.

The best vitamin D supplements for adults

In adults, the situation with the supply of vitamin D is no better than in children. Recall that for women of age, the normal intake of vitamin D is critically important due to osteoporosis. A decrease in the amount of calcium in bone tissue contributes to increased bone fragility. A deficiency of a vital element is found in pregnant and lactating mothers. The reason for this situation is partly due to the geographical location of our country. It has been proven that in the period from November to March in people living above the 35th parallel, the skin does not produce vitamin D, no matter how much they are in the sun. The fact is that in order to trigger the biochemical processes of vitamin D synthesis, the sun must fall on the skin at an almost right angle. Recall that Moscow has coordinates 55 ° 45 ‘, St. Petersburg – 59 ° 57’, and even the southern city of Sochi is located above the “critical” latitude – 43 ° 35 ‘. Sunscreens also contribute to the development of deficiency: protecting against photoaging and skin cancer on the one hand, we block the synthesis of a vital substance on the other.

How to Increase Vitamin D Intake

    • Vitamin D can be taken in the sun, but it can also be taken from greasy fish such as tuna and salmon. Beef liver, cheese, and egg yolks also contain vitamin D, albeit in small amounts.
    • Since not many foods contain vitamin D, they are often added to milk, breakfast cereals, and orange juice.
    • It’s been debated whether supplements are appropriate for everyone, but those who are deficient in vitamin D are likely to benefit from adding supplements to their current diet.
    • In most cases, the proper daily dose for a healthy adult is 600 IU (the unit used for fat-soluble vitamins). A glass of milk contains 25% of that amount. The National Institutes of Health recommends 600 IU (or 15 μg) per day.
    • However, please be careful not to take too much. Overdose of vitamin D — ingestion of more than 4000 IU daily — can cause symptoms such as vomiting, constipation, weakness, and weight loss. Also, these symptoms are always caused by an overdose of supplements. Fortunately, our bodies can control the overproduction of vitamin D, so we don’t overdose vitamin D when we’re basking in the sun.

Vitamin D is a substance that the human body constantly needs, even with regular walks in the sun and eating foods containing cholecalciferol. And no less than a growing child’s body, this vitamin is needed by adults and especially the elderly. Therefore, take care of your health and your loved ones: when buying drops for a child, do not forget pills for yourself and your parents. For example, ordering the Doctor’s Best Vitamin D3 is most convenient here: the order will be delivered to the pharmacy that you choose, closer to your home or place of work. For those who are still not sure of the required dosage, we remind you that it is best to do a blood test for 25 (OH) D levels and, based on its results, decide with your doctor how much vitamin D you need to take in addition.

Nature Made Extra Strength Vitamin D3 5000 IU Softgels

Are you concerned about the condition of your bones? Have you ever heard of vitamin D? It increases the absorption of calcium and the mineralization of bone material, thus preventing the appearance of fractures secondary to osteoporosis. Vitamin D3 is one of the most potent forms of this nutrient.
Nature Made Extra Strength Vitamin D3 5000 IU Softgels, dubbed by some “The sunshine vitamin”, is more than just a strengthening for our bones. This nutrient protects our heart and brain, and allows us to lead energetic, disease-free lives.

Feature of Nature Made Extra Strength Vitamin D3

  • For a limited time, you may receive either bottle while we update our packaging. Both have the same great product inside. Based on new FDA regulations, you may also notice a change in the unit of measure and/or daily value for certain products.
  • Contains a 90-day supply of Nature Made Extra Strength Vitamin D3 5000IU (125 mcg) Softgels, 90 soft gels per bottle.
  • Vitamin D supports bone, teeth, muscle, and immune health.
  • This is a high dose vitamin D product for those with higher vitamin D needs and/or deficiency, as determined by a healthcare professional. Consult with your healthcare professional before use. Take one soft gel daily with a meal. For easier swallowing, take with water before and during ingestion.
  • These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Comparison of the main vitamin D supplements

Controversial additives, absurd dosage, lower quality active ingredients, exorbitant prices: the vitamin D supplements available on the market are numerous and the differences from a qualitative point of view are partly important.

Both for the purchaser of vitamin D having an overall knowledge of the prices charged, and for the consumer with acquired health benefits, both of whom attach particular importance to the purity and high bioavailability of vitamin D supplements, it is worth examining the various supplements under a magnifying glass.

The different types of vitamin D supplements

First of all, the question is which vitamin D supplement is most relevant, since even when the quality is ideal, taking in the wrong supplement will not provide the desired effects.

Vitamin D has various applications, corresponding to different types of supplements. Two main groups stand out:

  • Pure vitamin D: Ideal for initial treatment at high dosage
  • Supplements combining vitamin D with vitamin K2: Ideal for a daily supplement to the diet

Vitamin D and vitamin K2 work in complete correlation, which is why it is often a good idea to combine the two vitamins. For daily use as a supplement, supplements combining the two vitamins are very convenient, but they are also the ideal supplement in our eyes.

As part of an initial treatment with a high dosage, however, we recommend the assimilation of the two types of supplements separately. Due to the usual existing interactions between vitamin D and vitamin K2, suitable for daily use, it would be unnecessary (and expensive) to assimilate high amounts of vitamin K2 combined with high doses of vitamin D.

Buy Vitamin D – But What Should You Watch Out For?

Vitamin D is expressed in international units (IU) or µg. The two units of measure are the most common. 1 µg corresponds to 40 IU of vitamin D; 1 IU corresponds to 0.025 µg of vitamin D. Products intended for daily intake (food supplements) generally contain 400 IU to 5,000 IU of the vitamin. Medicines may contain higher doses.

First of all, it’s important to consider how much vitamin D you need each day to choose the right product.

What is the difference between vitamin D2 and vitamin D3?

For vitamin D, which is a fat-soluble hormone, to have a positive effect on our body, the body must first transform vitamin D itself into its active form. When deciding to take a vitamin D supplement, therefore, it is important to choose the most potent form of vitamin D to achieve the best effect on the body.

The two main forms of vitamin D available as a supplement are vitamin D 2 (ergocalciferol) and vitamin D 3 ( cholecalciferol ).

Vitamin D 2 and vitamin D 3 are distinguished mainly by their origin. Vitamin D 2 is the plant-based form of vitamin D. It is produced by plants. It is very difficult to take vitamin D 2 in its natural form. Indeed, it is only found in rare varieties of fungi and molds. Also, vitamin D 2 is less effective than vitamin D 3.

Good vitamin D status is the best prerequisite for health.

Now that we know what to look out for when shopping for vitamin D, we have another sentence about the importance of getting good vitamin D intake.

The link between poor vitamin D status and the onset of every disease imaginable is currently being investigated. Whether it is autoimmune diseases like asthma, viral infections, depression, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, or tumors, vitamin D appears to be an essential defense factor. We should therefore not underestimate this vitamin and its central tasks.

And vitamin D intake is actually so simple. Head to the sunny south. And if not, a vitamin D supplement. There are good preparations available.

Garden of Life Vitamin D

Vitamin D is difficult to obtain from food and sunlight, especially in large cities with polluted air and our latitudes, when the sun is active for only 3 summer months. Garden of Life Vitamin D is a vitamin supplements, Vitamin Code Raw D3, Vitamin D 2,000 IU, Raw Whole Food Vitamin D Supplements with Chlorella, Fruit, Veggies & Probiotics for Bone & Immune Health, 60 Vegetarian Capsules. It into a power-packed nutritious food supplement.

Vitamin Code RAW Vitamin D3 is different from any other vitamin D nutritional supplement available today. In following with the Vitamin Code philosophy, RAW Vitamin D3 is a gluten- and dairy-free, whole food Vitamin D complex delivered in a base of Organic Green Cracked Wall Chlorella with live probiotics and enzymes, and no binders or fillers. More importantly, Vitamin Code RAW D3 is a raw source of vitamin D3.

Why is vitamin D necessary?

  • Vitamin D aids in calcium absorption and promotes bone mineralization, preventing or slowing the progression of osteoporosis. It strengthens the immune system, so in summer we get sick less often, but in winter and spring we pick up viruses faster.
  • Vitamin D protects children from rickets and other serious diseases.
  • Recent studies have shown that vitamin D protects against hypertension, autoimmune diseases (multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis), and reduces the frequency of fractures.
  • In recent years, the number of studies on this beneficial vitamin has increased hundreds of times! Vitamin D reduces the side effects of statins. Research is revealing more and more evidence of an important role for vitamin D in protecting against cancer (linking vitamin D deficiency to 18 different types of cancer).
  • Lack of vitamin D and iron are the main causes of hair loss and weight gain.

How much vitamin D to give to adults?

  • An important question for vitamin D concerns dosages. The opinions of specialists differ, I have researched all of them and will write about the minimum required dosages for every day, for the prevention of diseases.
  • If vitamin D is used to treat specific diseases, then you need to donate blood for analysis, determine its concentration, and monitor the course of treatment. This is also done in the case of treatment with high dosages of vitamin more than 4000-10,000 IU per day.
  • According to the updated RDA data, the daily dosage of vitamin D is 600 IU for men, women, pregnant and lactating women aged 1 to 70 years. People over 70 require 800 IU per day.

How much vitamin D to give to children?

  • For children, the minimum required dosage of vitamin D has also been developed. For infants 0-12 months, 400 units are recommended. in a day. For children over a year old, the dosage is the same as in adults, it is 600 units. in a day.
  • The maximum permissible dosage (UL) for children aged 1-3 years is 2500 IU, for children aged 4-8 3000 units. and over 9 years 4000 units
  • To prevent influenza in the autumn-winter period, it is recommended to take from 1200 units daily. vitamin D.

How taking vitamin D can help

  • Boost immunity
  • Acceleration of metabolism
  • Normalization of the work of the heart and blood vessels
  • Maintaining blood pressure in the norm
  • Prevention of neoplasm development
  • Improving the composition and blood clotting
  • Normalization of the thyroid gland
  • Prevent the development of myasthenia gravis
  • Elimination of dry skin and hair
  • Studies show that most residents of sunny countries have vitamin D deficiency in their bodies, let alone the inhabitants of northern latitudes.

It is difficult to achieve the optimal level of vitamin D in the body with the help of food and sunbathing, so my whole family takes vitamin D in the form of supplements in winter. Children, the elderly part of the family, and my sister and I during pregnancy take it on an ongoing basis.

What vitamins do muscles need?

First of all, it is vitamin D – a unique substance, similar in structure of its molecule to a hormone, which is why in a number of literary sources and studies it is directly called hormone D. Perhaps it is thanks to this molecular structure that calciferol and its metabolites take part in many physiological processes in the body, including metabolism in muscle tissue.

How to strengthen muscles?

Take vitamin D, especially if the muscular system is exposed to regular stress (during active sports, physical work) or if muscle pain and cramps are troubling. Vitamin D intake helps to reduce the frequency of muscle pain and cramps and prevents muscle injuries during physical work or sports. Vitamin D is found in an easy and easily digestible form for the body, for example, in chewable tablets.

Centrum Multivitamin for Men

A modern complex of vitamins for men is a multi-component system of irreplaceable, beneficial substances for the body – all vitamin groups, minerals, food enzymes, bioflavonoids, probiotics. Some contain special, patented herbal compositions that have a unique effect on the male body. Centrum multivitamin for men is necessary to support the body with good vitamins and minerals for men at any age, be it a boy, a boy or an old man. The body’s need for them does not stop, just with age, due to a slowdown in metabolism, they are less absorbed, but they are recommended to be taken constantly.

  • This product is the most complete multivitamin/multimineral supplement specially formulated for men, containing Centrum’s highest levels of Vitamin D3 for healthy muscle function. These daily vitamins for men deliver antioxidants such as zinc and vitamins E and C for immunity support, and energy supplements such as B vitamins to support your daily needs.
  • Made with non-GMO ingredients, this gluten-free multivitamin for men also contains muscle and metabolism vitamins to help your body process fats, carbohydrates and proteins effectively. This bottle of 250 men’s multivitamin tablets helps support a healthy lifestyle for about four months. Take one tablet daily with food.

What vitamins are needed for men?

The organism of the representatives of the stronger sex adapts worse to the adverse effects of the environment than the female. Drinking alcohol, smoking, stress, an unhealthy diet, overwork leads to rapid wear and tear of the heart muscle, negatively affect the genitourinary and other body systems. To avoid this, it is recommended to take male vitamins. The complexes developed by specialists are organic compounds characterized by vitamin activity that contributes to the normal functioning of the body.
The best vitamins for men are developed by the need for certain age periods (puberty, increased growth, aging) and taking into account the characteristics of the development of the male body.
A set of vitamins for men fundamentally differs from women’s vitamins in the quantitative content of individual components, for example, a set of vitamins for boys in adolescence contains much more calcium than a similar composition for girls, since the bone skeleton of a man is much more powerful and can withstand heavy loads.
Sports vitamins for men are necessarily supplemented with amino acids and proteins for muscle growth and recovery after exhausting workouts.

Vitamin support for all body systems

Unbalanced diet, constant stress, bad habits greatly deplete the body, undermine strength. Therefore, it is so important to choose the right and buy vitamins for men. What exactly is the difference between vitamin complexes for men, and why is it worth choosing a specialized composition? The male and female body differs not only in structure, different amounts of fat and muscle mass, but also in hormonal levels. In addition, most men are larger than women, therefore, for the correct functioning of all organs and systems, a different dosage of vitamins and microelements is required.

If we consider vitamins for men, their composition will be something like this – the main vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B6, B12), D, A, C. Vitamins H and E are also very important for men’s health since they ensure the beauty of hair, stop their loss. In addition, vitamin H ensures the normal functioning of the liver, thyroid gland, accompanies carbohydrate and fat metabolism,

Vitamin D is important for strengthening immunity, increasing overall stamina, as well as potency and sexual health. Vitamin A has the same properties, but it also participates in the synthesis of testosterone and acts as a prevention of tumors.

The vitamin complex must contain antioxidants that prevent aging, reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Such a balanced composition ensures the correct operation of all systems, the correct functioning of organs.

If you are looking for vitamins for men, the price of which is within your financial means, consider the offers the centrum multivitamin. Here you will find vitamin supplements with different compositions, only of the highest quality.

A wide range of vitamins for men online store

The best vitamins for men are, first of all, of natural origin, with international quality certificates from world manufacturers and a good dosage that can provide a daily requirement in one capsule.
We give preference only to complex vitamins for men of natural origin because they have a higher bioavailability. The human body will be able to assimilate a larger amount, which means it can transfer it to all metabolic processes. With synthetic ones, things are much worse – after using them, it is not always possible to obtain the expected effect, and sometimes, on the contrary, to get some kind of allergic reaction.

Baby DDROPS Liquid Vitamin D3 for children

Vitamin D is essential for healthy growth and development during infancy and childhood, especially for normal bone growth and strong muscles. Leading pediatricians recommend supplementing the diet of 400 IU of vitamin D daily for partially or fully breastfed infants. Baby DDROPS 400 IU 90 Drops Liquid Vitamin D3 for children, This vitamin D3 for breastfed babies is from the popular Canadian brand Ddrops. The brand’s supplements have won several Mom’s Choice Awards for their quality.

DDROPS Liquid Vitamin D3 for children

  • One drop contains 400 IU of pure vitamin D3 and fractionated coconut oil, which is 100% of the RDA for an infant under one year old. The liquid is easily dispensed with a plastic pipette. There are 90 servings in a bottle.
  • A good drug, but unreasonably expensive. Absolutely identical in composition, vitamin D3, owned by the home brand, costs 7 times cheaper per serving.
  • This vitamin d3 specifically designed for breastfed babies
  • It tasteless, chemical-free, no additives artificial flavors, or colors
  • Free of most common allergens

Why is vitamin D deficiency dangerous?

In many cases, people with vitamin D deficiency have an increased risk of developing cancer, cardiovascular, infectious, and many other diseases. But it is too early to say that the cause-and-effect relationship has been precisely established.

Research shows that taking vitamin D supplements in the form of medications or dietary supplements is not always effective.

If you take vitamin D, in what form? Drops? Pills? Gummy bears?

The medical advice does not differentiate between different forms of drugs. Medicines with vitamin D are sold in the form of drops, solutions and soluble tablets. Of those types of vitamin D that are usually prescribed for prophylaxis, only vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is registered as a medicine. It is sold in other forms (for example, in capsules), but then it is a dietary supplement, that is, a dietary supplement. And the quality of their products is most likely not as well controlled as the production of drugs.

There is also vitamin D2 ( ergocalciferol ). At low doses, vitamins D2 and D3, do not differ in effect

However, some people prefer to take medicines that contain the active form of vitamin D (alfacalcidol and calcitriol) instead of vitamins D2 and D3.

So vitamin D supplements are not needed at all?

The most reliable data on the effectiveness of vitamin D is for bone health. It is involved in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which affect bone growth and mineral density. And, strictly speaking, it has only been proven that vitamin D deficiency manifests itself in problems with bones and muscles: rickets (in children) and osteomalacia (in children and adults) can occur. In these conditions, bones become “soft” or brittle, they ache, become deformed, fractures occur, and muscles weaken.

Taking vitamin D supplements can help make a difference – but only if the person is already sick. However, there are not enough good quality studies that would show that drugs are effective in prevention. Although there is certainly logic in this assumption.

Eating food with vitamin D

There are not many foods high in vitamin D. This is mainly fatty fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring, sardines) and its liver. There is some vitamin D in mushrooms, beef liver, cheese and yolks. And it can be difficult to organize your diet so that you regularly consume enough of these foods.

There is very little vitamin D in human breast milk, so babies who are fully or partially breastfed do not get enough of it, and they are more likely to develop rickets. Children on artificial formulas fortified with vitamin D may also receive too little of it – this must be calculated individually.

If the sun and food are scarce, doctors may recommend medication.

Be in the sun

It is very difficult to estimate how long you need to be in the sun so that, on the one hand, you do not increase the risk of developing melanoma, and on the other, you get enough vitamin D. Here, the season, skin tone, the use of sunscreen and other factors are important. But according to some reports, on average, it is enough to spend 5 to 30 minutes in the sun between 10 and 15 hours twice a week – with a bare face, arms, legs or back. Someone thinks that even less is needed.

This is if you don’t use sunscreen. Although you can get the right amount of vitamin D with it, unless you take extraordinary measures to protect yourself from the sun.

But the problem is that infants up to six months old cannot be in direct sunlight, and people who live in northern latitudes, from November to March, cannot produce vitamin D in the skin from for insufficiently strong solar radiation.

NOW Foods Supplements Vitamin D3

NOW Foods Supplements, Vitamin D-3 2,000 IU, High Potency, Structural Support, 240 Softgels provide this essential vitamin in an easily absorbable liquid form. Vitamin D is usually ingested from food or produced by the skin when exposed to ultraviolet rays from the sun. However, in food, it is contained in insufficient quantities. As many people seek to avoid sun exposure, the need for additional vitamin D supplementation is becoming more urgent.

NOW Foods Supplements, Vitamin D-3

  • Highest potency/helps maintain strong bones: Vitamin D is normally obtained from the diet or produced by the skin from the ultraviolet energy of the sun. However, it is not abundant in food.
  • Sunshine vitamin/supports immune system: As more people avoid sun exposure, vitamin D supplementation becomes even more necessary to ensure that your body receives an adequate supply.
  • Classifications/certifications: Non-GMO, halal, kosher contains gelatin
  • GMP quality assured: NPA A-rated GMP certification means that every aspect of the NOW manufacturing process has been examined, including our laboratory/testing methods (for stability, potency, and product formulation).
  • Packaged in the USA by a family-owned and operated company since 1968.

What is vitamin D?

Vitamin D refers to a group of biologically active substances that are formed in the skin when a person is in the sun, and they also enter the body during meals. In medicine, 2 of its forms are most often used: vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and D3 (cholecalciferol). If vitamin D is noticeably lacking, then this greatly affects health. The health of bones and the cardiovascular system depends on the balance of this biologically active substance. Vitamin D is necessary for the prevention of the development of diabetes, as well as some types of sociopathology. He is directly involved in the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus. Vitamin D is also credited with: maintaining the immune system; maintaining a healthy body weight; promoting muscle tone; regulation of the functioning of the thyroid gland; preservation of brain function during aging; reducing the risk of developing multiple sclerosis; regulation of reproductive function. Babies have a severe vitamin D deficiency in their bodies. Its reserves are replenished over time after birth. The smaller the baby, the more vitamin D he needs to get. Premature babies especially need it.

Which vitamin D should you choose?

The most easily absorbed form of vitamin D is the D3 form, or cholecalciferol. Taking vitamin D3 supplements maximizes your body’s vitamin D levels.

98% of all vitamin D is derived from highly refined lanolin and fish oil. I prefer the inexpensive vitamin D3 from lanolin. Vegans may want to consider vitamin D options from mushrooms, lichens, and other natural ingredients.

Vitamin D3 is a fat-soluble vitamin, so for better absorption choose a supplement with added oils (olive, coconut, safflower) and take the vitamin with meals. Doctors recommend taking vitamin D in the morning after breakfast.

If your recommended dosage is higher than 5000 IU, choose vitamin D in combination with K2 for better absorption. It is better to choose K2 in-kind MK-7.

Why is vitamin D necessary?

Vitamin D aids in calcium absorption and promotes bone mineralization, preventing or slowing the progression of osteoporosis. It strengthens the immune system, so in summer we get sick less often, but in winter and spring we pick up viruses faster.

Vitamin D protects children from rickets and other serious diseases.

Recent studies have shown that vitamin D provides protection against hypertension, autoimmune diseases (multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis), and reduces the frequency of fractures.

In recent years, the number of studies on this beneficial vitamin has increased hundreds of times! Vitamin D reduces the side effects of statins. Research is revealing more and more evidence for an important role for vitamin D in protecting against cancer (linking vitamin D deficiency to 18 different cancers).

Lack of vitamin D and iron are the main causes of hair loss and weight gain.

Nature’s Bounty Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 by Nature’s Bounty for Immune Support. Vitamin D Provides Immune Support and Promotes Healthy Bones. Vitamin D3 is well known all over the world to promote calcium absorption. Therefore, many people start to supplement with vitamin D3 when their children are very young to prevent problems such as irregular teeth, rickets, and growth. As everyone knows, vitamin D3 is also closely related to baby eczema.

Nature’s Bounty Vitamin D3

Feature of Nature’s Bounty Vitamin D3

  • Immune support: 240-count, 5000IU Vitamin D3 Softgels for immune health. Vitamin D by Nature’s Bounty may assist the immune system by helping to regulate T and B-lymphocytes. Vitamin D3 is a more potent form of Vitamin D.
  • Strong, healthy bones: In addition to immune support, getting a sufficient amount of Vitamin D is critical to building and maintaining strong bones in adults. It is essential for calcium absorption to help support healthy bones. Nature’s Bounty Vitamin D3 Softgels supplement the Vitamin D your body needs for overall health.
  • Year-round support: Vitamin D3 supplements by Nature’s Bounty contain the same form of Vitamin D that is naturally formed in the body through exposure to sunshine. It helps replicate the benefits of natural sunshine all year long.
  • Purity is our priority: Nature’s Bounty is committed to safety and purity in all our supplements. Our rapid release Vitamin D3 Softgels are non-GMO, gluten- and sugar-free, and contain no artificial colors, or sweeteners.
  • From the trusted wellness experts: Nature’s Bounty Vitamin D supplements are a product of 50 years of dedication to quality, consistency, and scientific research to make vitamins and nutritional supplements of unrivaled excellence.

What are the food sources of vitamin D3?

Food type the amount %RDI
Cod liver oil, 1 tablespoon (15 ml) 1,360 IU / 34 mcg 227%
Salmon, cooked, 3 oz (85 g) 447 IU / 11 mcg 75%
Canned tuna, 3 ounces (85 g) 154 IU / 4 mcg 26%
Cooked beef liver, 3 oz (85 g) 42 IU / 1 mcg 7%
Egg, 1 (Vitamin D is in the yolk) 41 IU / 1 mcg 7%
Canned sardines 23 IU / 0.6 mcg 4%

Although fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, swordfish, trout, tuna, and sardines are good sources, you have to eat almost every day to get enough vitamin D. The only high-quality dietary source of vitamin D is cod liver oil-a tablespoon (15 ml) of cod liver oil contains more than twice the daily intake (RDI).

The benefits of vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 can have as many as 2000 different genetic effects in the body, and has a direct effect on achieving more aspects of health than many possible.

Vitamin D receptors are found in almost all cells, as long as the D receptors bind, turning the gene on or off indicates a change at the cellular level. Research completed in the past two decades has proven that this process turns off cancer-causing genes, transfers immune genes, and even tells cells to absorb vitamins and minerals. All of this has a great impact on many important physiological processes, including

Bone health

  • Strong bones are a good result because it helps vitamin D3 to regulate intake and control the body’s ability to absorb the density and strength of bones and teeth provided by the two compounds of calcium and phosphorus.

Insulin control

  • Vitamin D3 stimulates the pancreas and triggers the process of making insulin. This is the key to managing blood sugar levels more effectively and can help diabetic patients better control their disease.

Lower blood pressure

  • D3 actively reduces the concentration of renin, the secretion of enzymes in the kidneys, which affects blood vessels.

May prevent cancer

  • Some evidence supports the idea that adding vitamin D3 can help slow the progression of prostate tumors, while other reports show that ensuring the combination of nutrients and fiber can reduce the incidence of colon polyps and the risk of colon cancer.

In addition to bone mineralization, vitamin D provides neuromuscular transmission, cell growth, stimulates immune responses, increases susceptibility to acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, prevents the development of tumor cells, reduces susceptibility to skin diseases (cases of psoriasis are known to cure) and heart diseases. Adequate intake of this vitamin is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland and blood clotting. Regular intake of vitamin D supplements can help relieve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.


Vegan Vitamin D3

Vegan Vitamin D3 (5000iu/125mcg) Enhanced with Organic Virgin Coconut Oil ~ Bone, Joint and Immune System Support ~ Vegan Certified, Non-GMO & Gluten Free (60 Veggie-Softgels). Vitamin D3 has other benefits on the body making it necessary for our good health. In fact, vitamin D receptors are found in every cell, so it has a positive impact on as many as 2,000 different genes in our body.

Vegan Vitamin D3

Feature of Vegan Vitamin D3 5000iu

  • Vegan D3 delivers 5000iu/125mcg of the same biologically active form of vitamin D produced in the body as a result of direct sunlight without the risk of unprotected UVB exposure.
  • The only Non-GMO Verified, Vegan Certified, Carrageenan free Vitamin D3 soft gel available.
  • Vitamin D3 is fat-soluble and difficult for the body to absorb if not taken with a fat. To help aid with absorption we blend our product with Virgin Organic Coconut Oil.
  • Featuring Vitamin D3 derived from Lichen in a 100% plant-based soft gel capsule. Free of Animal Ingredients such as Lanolin and Bovine.
  • All Sports Research (SR) vitamins come with a 90 day Money Back Guarantee (See below for details).

What are the signs of a lack of vitamin D?

Scientists have highlighted the following signs in case of lack of vitamin D3 :

  • Bone pain.
  • Bone weakening leading to fractures.
  • Cramps and stiffness upon waking up.
    Muscle weakness.
  • Great fatigue and a general feeling of unease.
  • A weakened immune system.
  • Mood swings and depression.
  • Poor cell division.
  • Dry skin.

Take a vitamin D3 cure: for whom?

A vitamin D3 cure is recommended if you live in an area with little sun or if you often stay indoors. Likewise, people meeting one of the following criteria must undergo a cure.

  • Children who drink milk not fortified with vitamin D.
  • Vegans, vegetarians and vegans.
  • People with a diet insufficient in vitamin D3 and an almost nonexistent outdoor activity.
  • The elderly: the older we get, the more we produce less vitamin D3. Also, we do fewer outdoor activities.
  • Pregnant women.
  • Premenopausal and postmenopausal women.
  • People who have recurrent respiratory infections or have osteoporosis.
  • Young girls aged 10 to 18 to avoid the increased risk of fractures after menopause.

Why use vitamin D3?

In principle, the sun should be sufficient for our vitamin D needs… Well, that’s the theory if you live further south than Corsica, spend time outdoors and have fair skin. Because in reality when you live in France, the winter sun is often too low to let through the good rays allowing the production of vitamin D.

If you live in France and go out often, the shortage is minor, but if you live further north, in regions where the sunshine is much shorter, if you work the night or that you are always indoors at lunchtime, the deficit is much greater.

Vitamin D deficiency has different effects on different people. It causes fractures, bone pain, cramps, muscle weakness, fatigue, and depression.

We can summarize as follows: we all need vitamin D, but our intakes vary depending on where we live and the number of hours we spend outdoors (in the middle of the day).

It is quite possible to get some vitamin D through the diet, but not enough to meet all your needs. Supplementing yourself with vitamin D3 during the shortest days is therefore the best way to take care of your health and meet all the body’s needs.

Some people need additional intake of vitamin D. It is not always possible to compensate for its deficiency only with food and sun exposure. In this case, drugs and dietary supplements from pharmacies may be useful. To help you find good products, we’ve recommended the best vitamin D supplements on the market right now.

NatureWise Vitamin D3 5000 IU

NatureWise Vitamin D3 5,000 IU in certified organic olive oil helps to support teeth and bone health, provide immune support, and promote healthy muscle function. It contains 100% natural, non-GMO, certified organic olive oil.

NatureWise Vitamin D3

Feature of Vitamin D3

  • Provides 5, 000 IU of Vitamin D3 per serving, the daily requirement recommended by the Vitamin D Council to restore depleted vitamin D levels in adults with minimal sun exposure.
  • Vitamin D3 gives you the same natural, biologically active form of Vitamin D that your body produces naturally from sunlight — but without the risky UVB exposure.
  • Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that requires dietary fat for the body to absorb it. Our best-selling Vitamin D3 is delivered in certified organic olive oil, a healthy fat source that improves bioavailability.
  • Vitamin D is an essential nutrient for healthy bones, teeth, muscle function, and immune system support. The Mayo Clinic estimates that 25%-50% of the general population may be Vitamin D deficient.
  • These Vitamin D3 immune support and bone health supplements are gluten-free and non-GMO. Third-party tested for purity and potency. Packaging may vary due to high demand, the same great product, and ingredients.

Why is important vitamin D?

Vitamin D can be found in cells throughout the body. It is necessary for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus to build and maintain strong bones and teeth, provides support for the immune system and healthy muscle function.

Can’t you get Vitamin D from the Sun?

Often called “sunshine vitamin,” Vitamin D3 is synthesized when bare skin is exposed to ultraviolet B (UVB) light. However, research shows that most people do not get the recommended amount from sunlight. Factors that can suppress vitamin D3 production include time of daytime sun exposure, seasons, latitude, skin color, age, clothing, and use of sunscreen. In fact, according to the Mayo Clinic, 25% to 50% or more of the population may be deficient in vitamin D. NatureWise Vitamin D3 provides the same bioactive form of vitamin D the body produces through direct sunlight, without the risk of unprotected UVB exposure -rays.

Vitamin D deficiency symptoms

Bone pain and brittleness, muscle weakness, fatigue, and anything that could indicate a vitamin D deficiency. People who may be at higher risk for a deficiency include those who spend a lot of time indoors, have darker skin pigmentation, a few elderly, or being overweight.

D3 (cholecalciferol) is called “solar” because it is formed in the skin through exposure to ultraviolet light. To do this, children and adults should be in the sun for about 15-30 minutes several times a week. However, the intensive production of vitamin D occurs during unhealthy hours – from 11.00 to 14.00, when the skin needs protection.
Vitamin D3 is abundant in oily fish (sardines, sardines, sardines, etc.), and the body is deficient in vitamin D3 due to insufficient intake from the diet and insufficient exposure to sunlight. , Osteoporosis, osteomalacia, rickets, etc. increase the risk of occurrence.
In addition, the natural absorption of the vitamin decreases over the years, and people with dark skin absorb it more slowly. Sunscreens and unfavorable ecology, such as air pollution, become negative moments for the perception of beneficial sunlight. Therefore, even in the summer months, not always and not everyone can stock up on cholecalciferol.

Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency

Bone pain and brittleness, muscle weakness, and tiredness can all indicate a deficiency in vitamin D. People who may be at higher risk for deficiency include those who spend a lot of time indoors, have darker skin pigmentation, are elderly, or overweight.

For more information on the top 10 best supplements and brands, Which vitamin D brands to choose. Vitamin D, one of the most important vitamins for pregnant women, lactating women, children, the elderly and adults.